Gut Microbiome Analysis

Microbiome Analysis

Gut Microbiome Analysis Service

What is the Gut Morning intestinal microbiome analysis service?

The Gut Morning intestinal microbiome analysis is performed using Next-Generation Sequencing(NGS) to identify the total number and different types of intestinal bacteria in the patient’s gut and deliver a personalized solution for gut health improvement.

The intestinal microbiome can be categorized into three types: beneficial, harmful, and neutral. The changes in the distribution ratio of the three gut microbiota can have various effects on one’s health.

A Customized Solution

Although it is important to reinforce probiotics by consuming fermented foods or dietary supplements, it is more important to allow good bacteria to settle and multiply in the gut with a well-balanced diet.

The Gut Morning intestinal microbiome analysis recommends a customized diet plan based on one’s intestinal microbiome type, biological sex, and age. Discover the diet plan that works best for your gut health!

1. Sample Collection  > 2. DNA Extraction >  3. NGS(Next-Generation Sequencing) > 4. Microbiome Analysis > 5. Report Delivery via LIMS

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