Accu Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Panel test
Accu Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Panel test

This UTI (Urinary Tract Infection Pathogen Panel) test is a laboratory developed test using Bio-Speedy UTI panels. It is a real time RT-PCR which specifically detects pathogens listed on the report in patient’s specimens. Patient’s urine specimen is treated to extract RNA/DNA and processed to detect the presence of various urinary pathogens listed on the panel (see above) using specific primers on a real time PCR machine. The results are compared to contrived positive controls, internal controls, and Negative Template Controls (Quality Control Samples) run alongside the patient’s samples for the diagnosis of urinary infections

GDX Application

Accu Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Panel test

A Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Panel test identifies and quantifies pathogenic microorganisms in the urinary tract, such as bacteria or fungi, causing the infection. The test involves collecting a urine sample, which is then analyzed in a lab to detect the presence of pathogens. It also includes antibiotic susceptibility testing to determine which antibiotics are effective against the identified pathogens. This information helps healthcare providers diagnose the UTI, select the most appropriate antibiotic treatment, and monitor the effectiveness of the therapy. The UTI Panel test ensures precise treatment, reducing the risk of complications and promoting faster recovery.

Analysis methods

Next-Generation Sequencing



4 weeks

Number of target


Accu Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Panel test Service Process

Sample Collection Process and Shipping Information

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