Accu Primary Immunodeficiency Panel Test(PIDs)

Accu Primary Immunodeficiency Panel Test(PIDs)
At GDX LAB, we analyze cells from the inside of your cheek to detect genetic variants associated with primary immunodeficiency disorders (PIDs). PIDs are a genetically diverse group of diseases affecting the immune system, categorized into nine types: Combined immunodeficiencies, Combined immunodeficiencies with associated or syndromic features, Predominantly antibody deficiencies, Diseases of immune dysregulation, Congenital defects of phagocyte number, function, or both, Defects in intrinsic and innate immunity, Autoinflammatory disorders, Complement deficiencies, and Phenocopies of PIDs.
Despite the genetic diversity, core symptoms are often similar, complicating diagnosis. Knowing the specific mutation in the causative gene is crucial for effective treatment. PIDs can present immune-related symptoms and non-immune manifestations, and their prevalence varies widely, with a combined prevalence reported as high as 5-8 per 10,000. Get an Accu Primary Immunodeficiency Panel Test at GDX LAB to identify specific genetic variants and ensure proper diagnosis and treatment for primary immunodeficiencies
GDX Application
Accu Primary Immunodeficiency Panel Test(PIDs)
Accu Primary Immunodeficiency Panel Test (PIDs) is designed to diagnose and assess genetic conditions that impair immune system function, leading to recurrent, severe, or unusual infections, autoimmune diseases, or increased cancer susceptibility. It is particularly useful for individuals with a family history of immunodeficiency disorders, frequent infections, or infections unresponsive to standard treatments. By identifying specific genetic mutations, the test helps clinicians understand the underlying cause of the immunodeficiency.
This test combines genetic and functional assays to identify immune system abnormalities. Samples from your in side of cheek are analyzed using whole exome sequencing (WES) to detect mutations in 471 genes associated with primary immunodeficiencies, enabling accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.
Analysis methods
Next-Generation Sequencing
4 weeks
Number of genes
Sample Collection Process and Shipping Information
· Sample Collection
· Shipping Information
1. Ship ALL specimens to: Address: 770 W Hampden Ave, Englewood, CO 80110 Phone: (720) 255-2280
2. Overnight using UPS shipping is recommended. US Postal Service is not recommended due to delivery delays caused by campus routing of USPS mail.
3. Do not ship samples to arrive on Saturday or Sunday, the laboratory is closed. Contact the GDX Lab concerning holiday shipping/receiving schedules.
4. Pre-paid, flat-rate USPS mailer labels are available. Fees are charged only after use.
5. Track your sample number through the USPS tracking site.
Accu Primary Immunodeficiency Panel Test Requestion Form
Information Release Form for Authorization Download