At GDX LAB, we use cells from the inside of your cheek to perform comprehensive hereditary cancer testing. Hereditary cancers make up 5-10% of all cancers and can affect various organs such as the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, skin, and eyes. These cancers are suspected when multiple family members have the same or related cancers, cancers occur at an early age, or an individual has multiple primary cancers. Common hereditary cancer syndromes include hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome, Lynch syndrome, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, and more. Genetic testing identifies individuals with a genetic predisposition to cancer, allowing for personal cancer risk assessment and tailored treatment plans. Get a comprehensive hereditary cancer gene test at GDX LAB to understand your genetic risk and take proactive steps for your health.
GDX Application
Accu Comprehensive Cancer Panel Test
Accu Comprehensive Cancer Panel test provides a genetic analysis of a patient’s tumor cells, aiding in cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment planning. Utilizing next-generation sequencing (NGS), it examines a panel of genes associated with various cancers to identify mutations, amplifications, deletions, or other alterations. This information helps oncologists determine appropriate targeted therapies, immunotherapies, or chemotherapy regimens, predict treatment response, assess recurrence risk, and monitor treatment effectiveness.
GDx Lab’s Comprehensive Cancer Panel analyzes 154 genes to ensure thorough coverage of genetic alterations impacting cancer pathogenesis and treatment outcomes.
Analysis methods
Next-Generation Sequencing
4 weeks
Number of genes
Sample Collection Process and Shipping Information
· Sample Collection
· Shipping Information
1. Ship ALL specimens to: Address: 770 W Hampden Ave, Englewood, CO 80110 Phone: (720) 255-2280
2. Overnight using UPS shipping is recommended. US Postal Service is not recommended due to delivery delays caused by campus routing of USPS mail.
3. Do not ship samples to arrive on Saturday or Sunday, the laboratory is closed. Contact the GDX Lab concerning holiday shipping/receiving schedules.
4. Pre-paid, flat-rate USPS mailer labels are available. Fees are charged only after use.
5. Track your sample number through the USPS tracking site.
Accu Comprehensive Cancer Panel Test Requestion Form
Information Release Form for Authorization Download