화이트 라벨 샘플 채취 키트
화이트 라벨 샘플 채취 키트

Here are the genetic testing kits we created for our clients for their specimen collection including saliva, buccal, and stool.

You can customize your own kits for genetic testing services by choosing various options. 

Customized service

White-Label Sample Collection Kits for Genetic Testing Service

Why Accugene?

Our modern laboratory and cutting-edge technology allow us to process and analyze the samples collected with our kits with exceptional accuracy and efficiency, providing our clients with reliable and comprehensive genetic testing results


Various Types of Samples

Which type of sample do you want to extract DNA from?

We can extract DNA from whole blood, buccal swab, saliva, urine, stool, FFPE tissues, and more.




Do you want to add special components to your kits or remove some unnecessaries? Do you want to have more or fewer tests for your kits? Do you want the design to be simpler or more attractive?



We have developed multiple genetic testing kits and performed various test services with high quality control standards




Our professionals are always ready to respond to client’s inquiries and concerns to help them find the right solutions for successful genetic testing service.

Reasonable Cost

We offer our service at the lowest cost possible without sacrificing marginal profit or quality of product by minimizing the marketing cost.

Proved Quality

Many global genetic testing service providers have successfully performed their tests using our white-label sample collection kits. It’s time for you to start your own service.

Kit Customization

Customized Sample Collection Kits of Our Customers